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associate professor Gurich V.O. participated in the discussion of trends in the development of social work in Ukraine

Volodymyr Gurich, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work of Kherson State University, took part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Trends in the Development of Social Work in Ukraine and Abroad" (May 15-16, 2024), dedicated to the International Day of the Family.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The organizer of the conference was our colleagues from the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work of the Faculty of Pedagogy of Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpattia National University.
The geography of the conference participants included both representatives of universities in Bulgaria, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Romania, the USA, Hungary and France, as well as a wide range of Ukrainian universities.

Six discussion panels were devoted to the problems of the modern family in the context of the challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian war (2014-2023); development of social services in Ukraine and abroad; methods and technologies of socio-pedagogical activity; the main areas of specialist training in social conditions
reforms; interdisciplinary discourses in the study of social problems and the importance of social work for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.

Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Social Work Volodymyr Gurich presented his teaching experience at one of the panels in the form of a report and theses "Social project as a form and method of training for students of the master's degree in social work". The achievements and problems of the students were analyzed in the speech 1 course during the mastery of the educational components "Organization of social services in the OTG" and "Management of social institutions". The social project in the content of these courses acted as an integral result of the synthesis of various competencies acquired both during practice and professional activity, as well as in the course of implementation educational tasks.

The special attention of the panelists was drawn to the organization of online training for future masters of social work in the system of Kherson State University in an individual and group format, where there is an opportunity to test and structure their experience both for those who are just starting their career path as a social work specialist and for professionals. which scale their activities in workplaces of various types.

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